William Faulkner helps me remember why I write ... and what I need to do, which is to write, and write, and write some more.
For all you writers, and hope-to-be writers, this is for you.Sometimes we forget that we have this talent. It sits bottle-necked while we run to the store, wash clothes, and hit a few balls at the golf course. But to experience those AHA! moments where the work surprises even you, you have to write thousands of words regularly, daily, frequently.When your subconscious cranks out words better than your conscious mind can imagine, magic happens. And that only occurs with a habit and an addiction to putting the words on the paper.
(Thanks to Hope Clark, in December 2005).
Now excuse me while I go write.
Ah, yes, a kindred spirit! I do feel better when I write, and lately it seems I've been letting life get in my way. And writing is one of those things that has me lose track of time... Love it!
Posted by: Christina Solstad | December 21, 2009 at 02:25 PM
Yes. I know exactly what you're talking about.
Some days I plan on doing one thing... but I end up - against my conscious will - writing for hours. And it feels great.
Posted by: David Eisaiah Engel | December 07, 2009 at 01:38 PM