Congrats to Chaco!
Chaco Canyon is to be featured on the New Mexico quarter for the new national park quarter series. The quarters will highlight one park or site per state or territory.
They will appear in order, based on when the park was established, beginning in 2010, with five parks per year through 2021. Chaco (officially Chaco Culture National Historic Park) was established in 1907, and will appear on a quarter in 2012.
"These new quarters will honor some of our most revered, treasured and beautiful national sites - majestic and historic places located throughout the United States and its territories that truly make us 'America the Beautiful,'" United States Mint Director Ed Moy said. "The designs will help reinvigorate interest in our national parks, forests, fish and wildlife refuges, and other national sites, as well as educate the public about their importance to us and our history."
A PR Newswire article on MarketWatch has the full article, including the quote above.
I wonder what Chaco image will be featured on the quarter - Pueblo Bonito from above, Bonito doors, Fajada Butte ... any ideas?
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