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« Helicopter Lands on Fajada Butte, Chaco Canyon | Main | Don't Pave the Chaco Road: July Update »

July 17, 2009


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Thanks for your kind comment. I'm so happy you enjoy my blog. I love Chaco, and am always happy to find others of like mind.

My first winter visit was magical, with a layer of fresh snow falling on winter solstice morning, just before I drove out of Chaco. I normally visit in spring and fall, tho now I also visit at summer solstice when possible.

Adding the missing people element at summer solstice is quite amazing. We are privileged to be included when the modern pueblo people partake in their own sacred ceremonies and dances. They are there honoring and repeating what their ancestors would have been doing many years prior.

Thanks for your photo of the small rock spiral. Many feel the sacredness of Chaco. I also wonder who may have placed it there.

My first visit was in 1994 as well (April). I was hooked right away. :-)

I really enjoyed your blog and photo site. Keep up the good work.


Thank you for the video of the Solstice dancers at Pueblo Bonito. Until this summer, I'd only been there in winter, when almost no one else comes. I was aware of Chaco's use by modern Pueblo peoples, but I'd never seen an actual dance. The only evidence I've seen of modern use is this small rock spiral on the Pueblo Alto trail, which may or may not be authentic:

When I first went to Chaco in 1994, there was no World Wide Web, no easy way to see what was going on anywhere beyond what I read or saw on TV. So it's a treat now to have a window into those other places.

And thanks for your comments on my blog at

Mark Bohrer

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