Here's an update for the summer solstice events at Chaco Canyon with the Acoma people - and some photos of previous solstice events. Maybe I'll see you there this year! (photo: Hopi dancers at Chaco, 2006)
Acoma dancing at Pueblo Bonito
This year the special dance guests are Cyrus Concho and the Acoma Sky City Group Dancers. Rather than dancing three times as I indicated in a previous post (Why Attend Summer Solstice 2008 at Chaco?), they will dance two times, at 11 am and 3 pm, in the great plaza of Pueblo Bonito on Saturday, June 21.
I have not yet had the privilege of seeing the Acoma group present their traditional social dances, but I can guarantee it will be a special experience.
Check at the visitor center for details and updates. Noncommercial photography will be allowed - wonderful for those of us who are photographers!
Previous events
I attended summer solstice in 2006, with the Hopi, and in 2007, with the Zuni. I loved seeing and meeting the dancers, especially the children. And I love that they are keeping their traditions alive - and sharing them with us.
Here are some of the delightful young Hopis that danced in 2006. Look at the beauty of these young girls. And this young boy was a proud Eagle dancer.
Here are some of the Zuni dancers from 2007. The young women are doing the Pottery Dance (in very windy conditions - amazing!), and the young men are doing the Buffalo Dance (can you imagine wearing those headdresses in nearly 100-degree F heat?!).
Prepare for heat
It will be hot - it has been in the 90's (Fahrenheit) - so be prepared. Here are some tips on staying cool: Braving the Summer Heat at Chaco - Tips to Stay Cool.
I'm getting excited! I leave on Wednesday for the long 14-hour drive to New Mexico from San Diego - well worth it. Will you be there? Please come say hello if you see me!
Related Posts:
Why Attend Summer Solstice at Chaco?