Spirit of Chaco is finally here - both exciting and scary for me...
Exciting because I have so much great stuff to share with you, and
it's a new beginning, part of creating my dream. Scary because now I'm
putting myself out there for all to see, and there is no going back.
Have you ever had something that had you feeling both excited and scared at the same time?
Seems like a regular thing these days for me, as I work on creating my
dream. Finally, that burning desire within has overcome (well, mostly)
those pesky fears.
OK, so what is this Spirit of Chaco about? It's about deepening your connection to Spirit, to the Divine, to your Inner Self, to that great Universal Source - whatever you call that sense of something that guides you. That voice that's been
calling to you, or maybe whispering, or maybe even yelling. Have you
been listening?
And the magnificant place I'd love to share with you - and you may already know and love it yourself - is Chaco Canyon in northwest New Mexico. I call this blog Spirit of Chaco because Chaco does, indeed, have a spirit all its own.
It is a place where I, and many others, have had the opportunity to learn and grow and connect with the deepest part of ourselves. It is a place of exquisite, high-desert beauty, where you can spend time alone (and with others of like mind) in nature, where you can hike, photograph, write, and learn about the Chacoans who lived there 1,000 years ago.
Time in nature, and in places such as Chaco, is what keeps me sane in this sometimes crazy world. It's a bit of peace, helping me to listen, and to connect with myself. It's what fuels
my muse much of the time.
Here's to deepening our connection to ourselves. Won't you come along and join me?
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